Steam Name: Hoodini (Magic)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:110115951
How Many Hours Have You Played On The Server:36hrs
Age: 14
Are You Aware Of The General Rules of DarkRP?: I would say i do.
Past Experience With The Use Of ULX Commands: Ive Used them for a few months so i know most of them.
Have You Had Any Bans, Warnings Or Kicks On The Server?: 3
Have You Had Any Experience Morderating / Staffing?: Yes I have an admin on another server which is still booting up and and a admin on a server which was stopped.
Do You Have A Mic?: Yes, Turtle Beach.
Why Should We Make You Trial Mod: I would be very helpful with the community, I will be friendly but serious when it comes to sits, and I know some admins in the server aswell.
What Can You Do Towards The Server?:I would be able to join it in most mornings, evenings, and night. So I would be around alot.
More About You:My name is Scott, im from Ireland and its usually raining here so i will be on quite alot.
I have over 355hrs on gmod and its my 2nd most played game. The other server im an admin on is called Legendary Gaming and the owner is Sean Johnson.
Thanks, Hoodini
Hoodini (Magic) said previously:Steam Name: Hoodini (Magic)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:110115951
How Many Hours Have You Played On The Server:36hrs
Age: 14
Are You Aware Of The General Rules of DarkRP?: I would say i do.
Past Experience With The Use Of ULX Commands: Ive Used them for a few months so i know most of them.
Have You Had Any Bans, Warnings Or Kicks On The Server?:
Have You Had Any Experience Morderating / Staffing?: Yes I have an admin on another server which is still booting up and and a admin on a server which was stopped.
Do You Have A Mic?: Yes, Turtle Beach.
Why Should We Make You Trial Mod: I would be very helpful with the community, I will be friendly but serious when it comes to sits, and I know some admins in the server aswell.
What Can You Do Towards The Server?:I would be able to join it in most mornings, evenings, and night. So I would be around alot.
More About You:My name is Scott, im from Ireland and its usually raining here so i will be on quite alot.
I have over 355hrs on gmod and its my 2nd most played game. The other server im an admin on is called Legendary Gaming and the owner is Sean Johnson.
Thanks, HoodiniCut
Sorry, but we don't accepted applications from people under the age of 15. However you do have a good amount of hours on the server.
Wallace said previously:Hoodini (Magic) said previously:Steam Name: Hoodini (Magic)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:110115951
How Many Hours Have You Played On The Server:36hrs
Age: 14
Are You Aware Of The General Rules of DarkRP?: I would say i do.
Past Experience With The Use Of ULX Commands: Ive Used them for a few months so i know most of them.
Have You Had Any Bans, Warnings Or Kicks On The Server?:
Have You Had Any Experience Morderating / Staffing?: Yes I have an admin on another server which is still booting up and and a admin on a server which was stopped.
Do You Have A Mic?: Yes, Turtle Beach.
Why Should We Make You Trial Mod: I would be very helpful with the community, I will be friendly but serious when it comes to sits, and I know some admins in the server aswell.
What Can You Do Towards The Server?:I would be able to join it in most mornings, evenings, and night. So I would be around alot.
More About You:My name is Scott, im from Ireland and its usually raining here so i will be on quite alot.
I have over 355hrs on gmod and its my 2nd most played game. The other server im an admin on is called Legendary Gaming and the owner is Sean Johnson.
Thanks, HoodiniCut
Sorry, but we don't accepted applications from people under the age of 15. However you do have a good amount of hours on the server.
ok thanks
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